This is an annotated list of current titles recommended for purchase.
I appreciated the short descriptions in Spanish and English and the recommended ages for reading aloud and sharing. The selections range from books for infants and toddlers to picture books for older children.

“Buenas noches, mi querido bebé
Good Night My Darling Baby
Autora: Alyssa Satin Capucilli; Ilustradora: Annie Bach; Traductor: Alexis Romay NubeOcho; ISBN: 978-1-5344-4289-4
Los animales cantan nanas a sus hijos haciéndoles dormir. Ilustraciones de medios mixtos.
Farm animals sing lullabies to their offspring lulling them to sleep. Mixed-media illustrations.
Edad: 0-3”

Un nuevo hogar
A New Home
Autora: Tania de Regil
Candlewick; ISBN: 978-1-5362-0675-3
Un chico de Nueva York y una chica de la ciudad de México recuerdan las cosas que les encantan sobre sus ciudades natales. Ilustraciones de acuarela, lápiz y gouache.
A boy from New York and a girl from Mexico City reminisce about things they love about their hometowns prior to moving to each other’s cities. Pencil, watercolor and gouache illustrations.
Edad: 4-7
From the Bank Street Children’s Book Committee
The Spanish Language Affiliate of the Children’s Book Committee at Bank Street College of Education is pleased to announce its annual
Best Spanish Language Picture Books 2020 List. This compendium of materials is for works published or translated in 2019.
Reviewers for the list included Spanish speaking members of the Children’s Book Committee as well as Bank Street College professors and alumni. Each book was given the same rigorous review for cultural authenticity, language, translation and appeal to children that the committee gives its English language and bilingual recommendations.
We urge you to post and share this document with any individual or institution you think will benefit from its use.
For more from the Book Committee
Children’s Book Committee