At the 20th Annual Minnesota Children’s Book Festival
The Kerlan Friends from the University of Minnesota Children’s Literature Research Collection shared Writing Boxes and writing with children and teens.

We made Heart Maps
Making Books

It is easy to make a Heart Map. What do you love? Write or draw or dictate or stamp. (Georgia Heard, Heart Maps)
It’s a Book!
To free-download or buy the print edition
We Write Again at the Twin Cities Book Festival
The 19th Annual Twin Cities Book Festival
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Minnesota State Fairgrounds
10:00am-5:00pm • FREE Admission
AND free transportation
Rain Taxi’s Twin Cities Book Festival, the largest one-day book gathering in the region, features hundreds of exhibitors, dozens of presenting authors from near and far, special children’s and youth programming, and endless curiosities for all ages—all in a massive celebration of our vibrant Minnesota literary culture.
It was very good to see you at Red Wing, Lisa! I wish I would have had time to do my own writing heart then. It might be a good rainy day project this weekend at home!
I would love to see your Heart Map.