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Griffin and Sabine: Random Thoughts

By November 21, 2018May 13th, 2021The Kerlan Blog

Griffin and Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence

A postcard depicting a redheaded parrot, a feather and two stamps laid on brown/grey background and red spine.

Cover of Griffen and Sabine by Nick Bantock

From the Publisher

Griffin: It’s good to get in touch with you at last. Could I have one of your fish postcards? I think you were right — the wine glass has more impact than the cup. –Sabine

But Griffin had never met a woman named Sabine. How did she know him? How did she know his artwork? Who is she? Thus begins the strange and intriguing correspondence of Griffin and Sabine. And since each letter must be pulled from its own envelope, the reader has the delightful, forbidden sensation of reading someone else’s mail. Griffin & Sabine is like no other illustrated novel: appealing to the poet and artist in everyone and sure to inspire a renaissance in the fine art of letter-writing, it tells an extraordinary story in an extraordinary way.

Random Thoughts

A few minutes ago, I was writing a postcard to a friend who was under the weather. I do that a lot. Doesn’t real mail cheer one up?

For a long time I wrote my father-in-law a postcard a day. Can you imagine the avalanche that was his mail box at the assisted living place?

Postcards are great because there isn’t a lot of room. They are fast. I always have the forever stamps in the house. The post office can have the extra pennies as tip.

I went a little nuts when the The Snowy Day ones came out. Yes, I cleaned out the St. Anthony Park Post Office supply.

And then

Annie Barrows,

The author of Ivy and Bean,

recently came to visit the Kerlan Collection. 

Did you know that she was an editor at Chronicle Books?

And Annie Barrows was Nick Bantock’s editor!!!!!!

The author of Griffin and Sabine?

And that is when I realized. I started writing postcards after reading Griffin and Sabine.


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