Launching Little Red Riding Hood: A Comparative Folk Tale Study
The Kerlan Collection staff, the Friends of the Kerlan, graduate students, Phd candidates, undergraduates, and volunteers from University of Minnesota, Saint Catherine University, Minnesota College of Art and Design work together to provide access to the holdings of the archives. None of this would be possible without the guidance of Jason Roy
Director, Digital Library Services and Jennifer Claybourne, Digital Projects Assistant.

From Les Contes de Perrault by Charles Perrualt, illustrated by Gustave Dore, 1861
How Do We Select the Projects?
The projects derive from a question or need.
Balloons Over Broadway: Melissa Sweet and the Engineering of A Picture Book
began with Melissa Sweet’s donation of all of the materials; original art, dummies, research notes, edited manuscripts was a treasure trove of materials from her award winning picture book biography of Tony Sarg.
The Question: How can we share these treasures with teachers and librarians?
- Creating a digital exhibit of this work modeled research in the archives.
- Provided teachers and librarians with primary sources for study
- Created STEM curriculum using materials in the collection.

Melissa Sweet’s research notes for Balloons Over Broadway
The Making of Picture Book Illustrations: What is Preseparated Art?
Grew from the Question, where is the original art?
And that this IS the original art.

This is the color separation for offset lithography, photoengraving–Halftone process of Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey for Chick and Duckling Aruego, Jose Dewey, Ariane
What IS Preseperated Art?
And how do we explain the process of preseparation and the printing of children’s books using the materials held in our collection?
It was Paul Zelinsky who suggested bringing together the former art director of Green Willow Books Eva Weiss and artist Ariane Dewey to discuss this historic process of making a picture book.
We have imbedded short clips from this video discussion within the digital exhibit that explains in words and pictures.
In one reviewers words,
“It is one thing to tell a class of fledgling illustrators about a process and quite another to have these archives to show them. Each entry is informative, instructive, and thoughtfully designed…every art department will find these invaluable.”
Children’s Book Art: Techniques and Media
was created to answer the question,
“What kind of art is that?”
We knew we were on the right track when one of critical friends, Pat Cummings reviewed the BETA and wrote,
“This is FABULOUS!!!!! It’s really something I’d want my students to be able to access…for inspiration as much as for research. Wonderfully arranged and the information with each technique is helpful and clearly presented.”
And now Little Red Riding Hood
How Can We Model Research in the Kerlan Collection of Children’s Book?
What Topic Crosses Disciplines and That We Can Provide Mentor Texts?
Little Red Riding Hood: A Comparative Folk Tale Study
Please click on the link, explore, and be a critical friend in the comment section.